The Real Inspector Hound
by Tom Stoppard
directed by Richard Henrich
Available online on selected dates from August 11 through August 29
Tickets: $10-$20
With Robert Bowen Smith, Steve Beall, Wendy Wilmer, Danny Cackley, Jackie Madejski, Carolyn Kashner, Matty Griffiths, James Sullivan, and Richard Henrich
Videographer: Tim Phillips
Assistant Videographer: Lisa Hodsoll
Video Editor: Gordon Nimmo-Smith
Audio Editor/Composer: David Crandall
Spooky Action's 2021-2022 Season begins with an online version of The Real Inspector Hound, by Tom Stoppard, directed by Richard Henrich. Two skeptical theater critics come to screen and review a piece of virtual theater, only to find that the story grabs them -- literally -- out of their seats, through the looking glass and into the land of Zoom.
"In theater, we often have the feeling that our life on stage is the real part, and all the rest is the illusion. Throughout the pandemic I had the eerie sense my life was becoming a series of strange interludes between the virtual reality of Zoom calls. So when I thought of Stoppard's early play and its hilarious spoof of stage becoming life, I said Yes!, let's step through the looking glass, enter fully into Zoomland and have a good laugh peering at ourselves from the other side. I hope you have as much fun watching us as we did in doing it!"
Richard Henrich
Videographer: Tim Phillips
Assistant Videographer: Lisa Hodsoll
Video Editor: Gordon Nimmo-Smith
Audio Editor/Composer: David Crandall
Spooky Action's 2021-2022 Season begins with an online version of The Real Inspector Hound, by Tom Stoppard, directed by Richard Henrich. Two skeptical theater critics come to screen and review a piece of virtual theater, only to find that the story grabs them -- literally -- out of their seats, through the looking glass and into the land of Zoom.
"In theater, we often have the feeling that our life on stage is the real part, and all the rest is the illusion. Throughout the pandemic I had the eerie sense my life was becoming a series of strange interludes between the virtual reality of Zoom calls. So when I thought of Stoppard's early play and its hilarious spoof of stage becoming life, I said Yes!, let's step through the looking glass, enter fully into Zoomland and have a good laugh peering at ourselves from the other side. I hope you have as much fun watching us as we did in doing it!"
Richard Henrich